• News

Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Detection: The Advantages of 3D Mammography

November 16, 2023

Reedsburg Area Medical Center is leading the charge in breast cancer detection with the introduction of an innovative 3D mammography machine. This breakthrough technology offers a new dimension in accuracy and patient comfort, promising to reshape the landscape of mammogram screenings. While…

Delivering Dreams: How Our Experienced Obstetrics Team Makes Birth a Memorable Experience

October 18, 2023

Welcoming a new life into the world is a momentous occasion, and at Reedsburg Area Medical Center,  we understand that every birth is a unique and cherished experience. Our dedicated team of experienced obstetric professionals is committed to ensuring that this special moment is not just a medical…

RAMC Team Building

October 13, 2023

Team RAMC participated in a team building event involving pumpkins. The creative displays by each department were second to none! They all are winners! Every month each department sponsors a team building activity for all to enjoy. Just another example of one of the many reasons RAMC is the best…

RAMC Birth Center celebrates National Midwifery Week October 1-7, 2023!

October 4, 2023

The word 'midwife' means with woman.  Midwives are specially trained professionals who provide care to women from adolescence to beyond menopause.  This includes care and management during pregnancy, labor, and after birth. Here at RAMC, we are fortunate to have an amazing midwife on staff.  Ame…

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 3, 2023

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and there is no better time to learn about this disease and what you can do to protect yourself. Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women and can occur at any age. However, the risk increases with age, and women over 50 are…