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March 27, 2020



Go Viral to Prevent Viral: Post Your Video to Encourage Social Distancing



#RAMitCovid to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

You play a vital role in stopping the spread of COVID-19. While it may seem like you are at less risk from COVID-19, the reality is that even if you don’t feel sick, you may be carrying the virus and transmitting it to others. By helping to create awareness among your friends about the importance of social distancing, your actions will save lives.  


Create a video (or multiple videos!) about social distancing and post it to your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter accounts with the hashtag #RAMitCovid

Ideas for making your video: 

  • To promote social distancing do a solo video  
  • Want to include friends? Be creative, create synchronized or coordinated videos. 
  • Shorter tends to get more views!   

Timing is critical! Fight viral with a viral video! Please #RAMitCovid right now. And if we see your video post, we’ll be sure to share it on Reedsburg Area Medical Center's social media channels, too.  

You might want to include a message about who you are saving with your social distancing actions: 

“I’m not going out with my friends because I want to protect my <Blank>.” Examples of blank 

  • “Grandma” 
  • “baby sister” 
  • “my neighborhood” 
  • “my community”