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State-of-the-Art Birth Center at Reedsburg Medical Center

September 6, 2022

Modern Birth Center

Reedsburg Area Medical Center has become one of the leading healthcare providers to the many residents in and around the Reedsburg, WI area. In addition, the hospital’s modern birth center makes the entire birth experience more enjoyable for those involved. 

At RAMC Birth Center, we understand that every birth is unique. That is why we are dedicated to providing high-quality, evidence-based care that respects the patients' choices and offers a full range of safe options for birth. 

RAMC is equipped with facilities that will make birthing a safe and memorable experience for the mother and the rest of the family members. This is why the Reedsburg Area Medical Center Birth Center is proud to offer the following services;

Nurse Navigators for Each Expecting Mother

Nurse navigators are registered nurses who are dedicated to providing individual guidance to expectant mothers and their families. They do this through every step of the birthing journey, from early pregnancy through delivery and postpartum. Nurse navigators work with patients to develop a birthing plan that meets their individual needs and preferences, and they provide support and education throughout the pregnancy and delivery process. They also serve as a liaison between the expectant mother and her health care team, providing information and answering questions along the way.

Online Childbirth Education

RAMC provides childbirth preparation classes to help families feel as prepared as possible before delivery. This class is designed for families expecting their first baby or parents wanting a refresher about normal childbirth, labor coping techniques, comfort measures, relaxation skills, positions for labor, and how the support person can help. The class also covers common labor variations, interventions, and pain relief options, including nitrous oxide, medications, and epidurals. Furthermore, this online education provides insights about water birth, cesarean birth, newborn care, basic car seat information, and options for feeding your baby, including breastfeeding. The goal of the class is to help parents feel more confident and comfortable about the birthing process so they can make informed decisions that are right for them.

Water Birth

Water births have been practiced for centuries and have resurfaced as a popular birthing option in recent years. There are numerous benefits to water births, both for mother and baby. During water birth, a laboring woman experiences the comfort and weightlessness of the warm water. The water is soothing and relaxing and may assist in easing discomfort. Laboring women can move and change positions more quickly in the large delivery tub. Some women even choose to have their support person in the tub with them. Water births are a gentle way for babies to enter the world, going from water to water, and then to the mother’s arms.

Family Rooms with Queen-Sized Bed

RAMC Birth Center also offers private birthing suites for our patients. These suites are designed to be appealing and homelike, providing a private space for the mother to labor, give birth, and postpartum. The suite will have enough room for the mother and the family or support group to share in all phases of her stay. After the baby's birth, the mother will have the option to move into a cozy postpartum room with a queen-sized bed to begin the family’s bonding. 

Midwifery Services

RAMC is also proud to offer Midwifery Services as another option for childbirth. Our certified nurse-midwives are highly skilled and experienced professionals who provide comprehensive care for women throughout their pregnancies. In addition to offering expert prenatal and postnatal care, our midwives also provide labor and delivery services.

Doula Services

The nurses at RAMC are expertly trained to provide the highest level of care for our patients. Not only are they doula-trained, but they also have a wealth of experience in supporting women during childbirth. They understand the importance of providing emotional, physical, and educational support during this particular time. 

Why choose RAMC as your birthing partner?

The Birth Center at Reedsburg Area Medical Center is staffed with highly skilled and experienced professionals who provide quality care to mothers and their families. Our staff is dedicated to providing patient-centered care that meets the needs of each individual. We utilize the latest research to ensure we are providing the best possible care for our patients. 

If you are looking for a birth center where women and families come first, RAMC Birth Center is the right choice for you. Contact us today at 608-768-6251 or visit  www.ramchealth.com/services/birth-center to learn more about our services. 





