Krystal and Kyle Ustianowski welcomed twins into their family on June 8, 2022 at RAMC Birth Center. Evie and Arlo joined big brothers Ashton (age 11), Huxley (age 4), and Bohdan (age 23 months). Evie Marie was born at 12:42 pm and weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces and was 18 inches long. Arlo Jonathan followed his sister, being born at 12:59 pm and weighed 6 pounds and was 18 inches long.
“On the day that our babies were born, the entire process was exactly how I could have imagined it”, recalls Krystal. “The team did an outstanding job and ensured a safe delivery of our twins. Dr. Trautman’s skill, knowledge, and calm demeanor kept everyone in the room relaxed and focused. I was able to fulfill my goal of having an unmedicated vaginal twin delivery with the help of my team!”
Congratulations Ustianowski family!!
Pictured are the Ustianowski’s with their healthcare team: Erin James, Birth Center Nurse; Jennifer Horkan, Respiratory Therapist holding Evie; Kevin McBride, Nurse Anesthetist; Dr. Trautman holding Arlo; Krystal; big brother Huxley; Kyle; Deb Adams, Midwife; big brother Ashton; and Dr. Wenninger. Missing from the photo was big brother Bohdan and Birth Center Nurses Pam Dregney and Lindsey Muchow.