
Author name: Reedsburg Area Medical Center

Strive for 5

RAMC Receives 5 Star Patient Satisfaction Rating

RAMC is proud to announce the coveted achievement of a 5 Star Patient Satisfaction rating!  HCAHPS, which stands for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, is a survey that measures patients’ perceptions of their hospital experience. A random sample of adult inpatients is surveyed between 48 hours and six weeks after discharge. Star ratings are based on four (4) consecutive quarters of patient survey results. Reedsburg Area Medical Center received a 5-star rating through Quarter 2 of 2023! We strive to provide the best care and service to every patient and every customer every single day. Congratulations RAMC!

Pain Awareness

RAMC Celebrates Pain Awareness Week

September is Pain Awareness month.  During the week of September 3-9, 2023 RAMC will be offering an educational display for the public in the lobby of the hospital. 

Pain is a personal experience that is influenced by many factors such as sleep, genetics, stress, attitudes/beliefs, personality, behaviors, disability, coping abilities, and socialization, to name a few.  Although pain usually serves an adaptive role, it may have adverse effects on well-being.

The painful truths about pain (US Pain Foundation):

Bone health in women

Strong from Within: Building Bone Health in Women

Strong and healthy bones are vital for overall well-being, especially in women. As women age, they become more susceptible to bone-related issues, making it crucial to prioritize bone health.  In this empowering blog, we explore the essential components of women’s bone health. From hormonal influences to nutrition and lifestyle choices, we provide practical insights to nurture strong bones at every stage of life. 

healthy aging

Aging Gracefully: Promoting Healthy Aging and Wellness for Women

As women, the constant bombardment of advertisements and societal pressures can be overwhelming, urging us to maintain a youthful appearance and resist the natural aging process. Nevertheless, embracing the changes that come with age and prioritizing healthy aging and wellness for women can lead to genuine beauty. This article will explore essential tips and strategies for women to age gracefully while safeguarding their overall well-being.

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