
Our Mission
Reedsburg Area Medical Center, always there, going beyond the expected to provide compassionate, quality and efficient healthcare.
Our Standards of Excellence
- Employee Email Login
- PayCheck ‘E-stubs’ Login
- symplr Learning / symplr Performance Login
- 2025 Employee Benefits at a Glance
- BambooHR
- Spiritwear Store
- PlanSource
Employee Health Department, located at Worksite Wellness Center – 608-768-3338, 223 E. Main Street, Reedsburg
EAP-Employee Assistance Program – Starting January 1,2020 RAMC began a new Employee Assistance Program. Remember, this is an anonymous program that is free to all RAMC employees and family members.
Call 1-800-634-6433
Earn up to $75 off your monthly RAMC health insurance premium by participating now!
Click here to learn more about HealthCheck360
Click here for instructions on creating your HealthCheck360 account
Click here for Summary Rewards 2020-2021
Visit the RAMC bulletin board, under Fitness and Wellness for more information.
Daisy and Petals Awards Nominations
Special Occasions
Recognizing special dates and events among co-workers is important to us! Thanks to a great idea submitted by Brandi Ferge, we now have the ability to give a “Shout Out” to our colleagues on various occasions.
Click the link below to download a fillable Word Doc. Once you have completed the form, save it onto your computer and email it as an attachment to the well-deserving recipient. We guarantee you’ll make their day!
One of the many benefits of working at RAMC is access to a private consultation with a certified lactation nurse.
Call 608-768-6135 to speak with an IBCLC or email Amy Romberg, IBCLC, at [email protected] or Megan Haas, IBCLC, at [email protected].
For those staff who are pumping at work, please access the comfortable and private mother’s room, which is located in the hospital’s first floor near Safety and Materials Management.