
One Pharmacy, Two Locations
Flu Shots are now available at RAMC Community and Viking Pharmacy. New online sign-up is available!

EasyMedPak™ is a safe, easy and convenient way to organize your medications. And it’s FREE at RAMC Community Pharmacy.
Making medicine time easier.
- Do you fill at least one medicine every month?
- Do you make more than one trip to the pharmacy every month?
- Have you ever run out of refills?
- Have you ever refilled your medicine late?
- Do you sometimes forget to take your medicine?
- Do you have a hard time keeping track of your medicines?
We take all the medications you need, including prescription products, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements, and put them into packets.
Each packet is labeled with the names of the medications and when they should be taken.
Simply tear off the packet you need, open it, and take your medications.
You will benefit from our FREE and Easy way to organize your medicine.
- Easily take your medicine on-the-go
- No more confusion with medication times
- Make one trip to the pharmacy
- No more medication sorting
- No more refill hassles
Community Pharmacy: 608-524-6177
EasyMedPak™ Printable Patient Forms
Our pharmacy offers all routine vaccines for those six years and older, including but not limited to:
- Shingles
- Flu
- Hepatitis
- Pneumonia
Contact your pharmacy to check which vaccine(s) you may be due for and to schedule your appointment.
Most vaccines are available at no cost to you with most insurances.
Call Viking Pharmacy, 608-524-6868 or Community Pharmacy, 608-524-6177 to schedule your vaccine.
Community and Viking Pharmacies offer curbside delivery during business hours Monday – Friday. We have special parking spots just for you. To request, simply ask the pharmacy staff for curbside pick-up. Call Community Pharmacy at 608-524-6177, or Viking Pharmacy at 608-524-6868. Secure credit card payments are accepted prior to this service.
We offer convenient delivery options.
Both Community and Viking Pharmacies offer:
- Prescription deliveries during business hours Monday – Friday, within the Reedsburg city limits. Secure credit card payments are accepted prior to delivery.
- Mail deliveries, during business hours Monday – Friday.
- Click here for details on complimentary and fee based delivery options.
- Curbside delivery during business hours Monday – Friday.
- See each pharmacy’s hours at top of page.
For your convenience, we offer an automated prescription line. This will allow you to call in your refills 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Here’s how it works:
1. Call RAMC’s Community Pharmacy 608-524-6177 or Viking Pharmacy 608-524-6868.
2. You will be asked for your prescription with your prescription numbers.
3. Press 2 to refill your prescription with your prescription numbers. Your prescription number is located on the top left of your prescription bottle/pack with a RX number highlighted in yellow.
4. Your RAMC Pharmacy will have your order ready at the time you choose.
Our new phone system will allow us to provide more efficient service for you and simplify the refill process.
Getting your prescription refills is easier than ever with MyChart.
To sign up for MyChart please visit the UnityPoint Login Page by clicking here.
View complete instructions here.
For support contact MyUnityPoint Support at 877-224-4430.
The Medication Assistance Program is offered by RAMC and is intended to allow individuals access to outpatient medications at a reduced cost who are unable or have limited ability to pay for these medications.
What does the Medication Assistance Program Cover?
The Medication Assistance Program allows eligible persons to receive certain outpatient medications for FREE.
Who is eligible for the Medication Assistance Program?
1. Have one of the insurance coverage circumstances outlined below:
a) No prescription drug coverage or you have Medicare Part D; OR
b) Not enough coverage to obtain the medication with monthly prescription medication out of pocket expenses exceeding $100.00; OR
c) Your insurance denied coverage for the requested medication. Please include the denial documentation.
2. You have an established relationship with a Reedsburg Area Medical Center provider.
3. Total household income is at or below 400% of the 2023 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) Guidelines.
For more information or to apply for this program, click here.