
Fevers and Why They Occur


Fever is a common symptom that occurs when the body’s internal temperature rises in response to an infection or other illness. In this post, we will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options for fever, potential complications, and the importance of seeking medical attention when necessary.

Causes of Fever

Fevers can be caused by a variety of factors, including infections, inflammatory conditions, immunizations, malignancies, drug reactions, and environmental factors. The most common cause of fever is infections, such as colds, flu, and bacterial infections. Inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can also cause fever. In addition, immunizations and drug reactions to certain medications can cause temporary fever. Finally, environmental factors such as heat stroke and sunburn can also cause fever.

Symptoms of Fever

The symptoms of fever vary depending on its severity and underlying cause. A body temperature above 100.4°F (38°C) indicates fever and may cause shivering, headache, muscle aches, sweating, and dehydration. These symptoms are the body’s natural response to try and raise the body temperature further and fight off the infection.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing a fever can be done using a thermometer, which comes in various types, including oral, ear, forehead, and rectal thermometers. In case the fever persists for more than a few days, it’s essential to see a doctor. The doctor will perform a physical exam and may order blood tests or other diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause of the fever.

Treatment for fever depends on the underlying cause. For most fevers caused by infections, rest and drinking plenty of fluids are usually enough to help the body fight off the infection. 

Complications of Fever

While most fevers are harmless and go away on their own, some complications can arise if the fever persists for an extended period. For example, young children may experience febrile seizures with high fevers, and dehydration can occur if the fever persists for a long time, causing the body to lose fluids through sweating. In severe cases, untreated fever can lead to organ damage.

Final Thought

In conclusion, fever is a warning sign from your body that should not be ignored. With the proper knowledge and care, it can be managed in most cases without medical intervention, but keeping an eye out for any associated symptoms and paying particular attention to fevers lasting more than a few days is important. 

If you or a loved one experience fever, keep yourself or them safe by monitoring it closely — you want to make sure any underlying causes are identified and addressed promptly. Don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if you find yourself with persistent fever or additional concerning symptoms. At Reedsburg Area Medical Center, we focus on providing quality care quickly— our entire team is committed to providing patients with personalized attention along with the best medical care available. Contact us today to learn how we can help take care of you if you’re experiencing any discomfort associated with a fever.


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Reedsburg Area Medical Center

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