• Wound and Ostomy Care

Our Wound/Ostomy Care Team

Our Wound/Ostomy Care RNs are certified to help our patients. We also work closely with Wound Medical Director, Dr. Anthony Ruzga MD, general surgery & CMO Dr. Elizabeth Baker, podiatrist.

Certified staff include:

  • Ostomy Management Specialist (OMS): Amy, RN
  • Diabetic Wound Certified (DWC) & Wound Care Certified (WCC) nurses: Jennifer (JT), RN; Jenny, RN; Beth, RN; Emma, RN
  • Credentialed under the National Alliance of Wound Care (NAWCO)
  • Trained by the Wound Care Education Institute (WCEI)

A referral is required from your provider. Once insurance coverage is verified, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment by our outpatient scheduling team.

Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Phone Number: 608-524-2124
Fax Number: 608-524-2115

Wound Care

Wounds are complex, unique, and are never a “one-size-fits-all-treatment.”

RAMC Wound Care strives for a multi-faceted approach to wound care which may involve a variety of disciplines including our outpatient infusion department (right across the hall!), registered dieticians, occupational therapy for lymphedema management, surgeons, physicians, and more.

We also provide infectious disease consults via telemedicine. Please note – not all insurances cover telemedicine services. Upon referral, coverage will be verified.

RAMC’s team of wound care professionals receive continuous education so they are always on the forefront of the latest treatments for wounds.

    RAMC offers wound care treatment for the following

    • Ulcers
      Traumatic wounds
    • Skin tears
    • Diabetic wounds
    • Pressure injuries
    • Non-healing surgical wounds
    • Burns
    • Ostomies
    • And more

    Some of the many treatment types we offer include (but are not limited to)

    • Compression wraps
    • Negative pressure wound therapy (wound vac)
    • Advanced tissue product application
    • Standard dressing changes
    • Total contact cast application
    • Ostomy cares
    • Conservative sharps debridement
    • And more

    Ostomy Care

    Adapting to everyday life with an ostomy can be challenging.

    RAMC’s Certified Ostomy Management Specialist (Amy, RN), along with the wound care team are here to provide you with the care and resources that you need.

    RAMC offers ostomy care and treatment services, which include

    •    Consultation
    •    Product support
    •    Dietary education
    •    Peristomal skin care maintenance    
    •    Peristomal skin complications
    •    Patient and family education

    Please note—RAMC does not dispense ostomy products. Please contact your provider for appliance refills.