
Author name: Reedsburg Area Medical Center


Reedsburg Area Senior Life Center Receives Deficiency-Free State Health Survey For Third Straight Year!

Skilled nursing facilities are some of the most scrutinized and regulated healthcare facilities, and for good reason. Historically, instances of poor quality care and overcrowded living conditions have necessitated the regulation of states and the federal government. In total, there are almost 900 pages of regulations governing the operation of nursing homes. I’m told the only facilities regulated more heavily than nursing facilities are nuclear power plants! While this may or may not be true, it gives you some sense of the level of scrutiny that nursing homes are under to provide high-quality care and a safe environment for our Residents.

Joint Replacement Celebration

RAMC Holds Joint Replacement Celebration

A celebration was held honoring a group of RAMC joint replacement patients. This event was held by RAMC’s Team Orthopedics as a thank you to these patients and an opportunity to share experiences and socialize with other patients. RAMC orthopedic surgeon Dr. Matt Niesen shared his gratitude for choosing RAMC and highlighted the newest offering – smart knee replacements and announcing the orthopedic department is growing as Katie Porter another APP will be starting in June 2024.

We plan on having quarterly luncheons to show our appreciation to our patients as they continue to celebrate their success.

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