
Author name: Reedsburg Area Medical Center

Milk Drop Off Program

Reedsburg Area Medical Center Birth Center Opens Milk Drop Off Depot

Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes (Milk Bank WGL) and Reedsburg Area Medical Center have partnered to bring a new breast milk collection depot to Reedsburg. This joint effort increases access for approved donors and families in the area to donate lifesaving, critical nutrition for babies in need. The organizations welcomed the new depot with a grand opening ceremony on April 29th in the Birth Center at Reedsburg Area Medical Center.

mobilerx RAMC

Reedsburg Area Medical Center Campus – Wide Phone System Upgrade

Beginning the evening of Wednesday, April 24th Reedsburg Area Medical Center will begin a phone system upgrade which will affect all phones across the campus including the hospital, Senior Life Center and clinics. During the upgrade anyone calling into the campus will hear a phone disconnected tone. This is temporary during the upgrade. The timing is such that there should be minimal disruption to any callers. Please see below for important information and temporary phone numbers to use during this time.

Health Insurer

Question Your Health Insurer

An important message from Bob Van Meeteren, RAMC President/CEO

I would like to share the below article from Tim Size, Executive Director of the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative. Reedsburg Area Medical Center is one of the 44 rural hospital members that Tim indicates in his article. I encourage anyone reading this – if you cannot obtain your healthcare where you want to receive care, speak with your insurance company and/or speak with your employer. If you are unsure of or having difficulty determining your coverage, RAMC can help. Call us at 608.524.6487.

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